Month: May 2024

Dwarves, Kogolor

Kogolor Dwarves are not really a subrace of Dwarves, but more an alternative Culture to the Dwarves of the Surface. In the case of Race Details, please use the Dwarf Rules presented earlier.

Kogolor Tribe

The Kogolor Tribe of Dwarves appear physically the same as dwarves from the outside world, but they are the polar opposite to them in terms of personality and culture. It is like night and Day.

Only 25% of Kogolor Dwarves live in caves or underground. They prefer to live on the mountains, or in valleys. Kogolor dwarves do not fancy gold and jewels any more than Elves or Humans do, which is still something, but not the obsession Rockhome dwarves have.

The Kogolor Tribe wear bright colors, often wearing lederhosen, and love to talk. They talk to outsiders and locals happily. They are in general some of the the friendliest, and most welcoming people.


The Kogolor are famous for logging, and brewing. Brewing beer and ale is a passion for the Kogolor. The kogolor do nto have an army, so that profession path is usually limited, however each dwarf is trained in a weapon to defend his own home with in case of emergency. This weapon is often a spear or poleaxe.

OSR (BECMI) Dwarf Druids

Though most are not aware of it, there are Kogolor Dwarf Druids. These Dwarves have a connection with the elemental forces of their mountainous homes. These dwarves will protect their natural homes from harm, but like their Outer-world cousins, Dwarf Druids do not advertise that they are druids, in the same way that Dwarf-Clerics of Rockhome do not advertise their Cleric ability.

Prime Requisite: Strength & Wisdom.
Other Requirements: Strength 9, Constitution 9, Wisdom 16, Neutral Alignment
Experience Bonus: 5% for Strength 13~15 & Wisdom 16~18, 10% for Strength 16~18 & Wisdom 16~18
Hit Dice: 1d6 per level up to 9th level, at 10th level they receive +3 hp and constitution points no longer apply.
Maximum Level: 10th
Armor: Leather armor, and wooden shields.
Weapons: staff, club, sling, wooden spear, all wood swords, only living material based weapons.
Special Abilities: Druid Spells, Cleric Spells, Half Damage from Spells at 1,400,000 EXP, Infravision, Extra Languages, 1 in 3 to detect traps, sliding walls, Sloping corridors, and New construction made of stone.

LevelXPLv 1 SpellsLv 2 SpellsLv 3 SpellsLv 4 SpellsLv 5 SpellsAbilities
10IV, SD, Snow

Infravision (IV): Kogolor Dwarves did not lose their infravision over the centuries and keep this ability, even though they rarely need to use it. This ability allows them to see heat in darkness for up to 60 feet.
Stone Detection (SD): Likewise, they may bit be living in the stone like they used to in the past, but Kogolor Dwarves still keep the Detection sweet, as taught by their fathers. ona roll of 1~3 on a d6 (so 50% chance), they may detect traps in stone, or slopes, sliding walls, or new construction in the stone.
Snowstorm Detection (Snow): Dwarf Druids are able to detect non-magical Snowstorms up to a day in advance.
Spells: Dwarf Druids are able to cast any spell on the Druid Spell list of appropriate level. They may also cast spells on the clerical spell list with a few limitations. Druids may not cast spells that relate to good or Evil (such as Detect evil). They may also not cast these spells:

  • Level 2: Hold Person
    Know Alignment
    Snake Charm
  • Level 3: Hold Animal
    Speak with Dead
  • Level 5: Commune
    Insect Plague
    Raise Dead
  • Level 6: Transport Through Plant
    Aerial Servant
    Create Normal Animals
    Word of Recall

Defense: At the 1,400,000 Experience level all dwarves become more resistant to magic. The dwarf automatically takes only half damage from any damage causing spell or spell-like effect (such as from a magical item or strange monster powers such as beholders’ eyes but not including dragon’s breath). Divide the rolled damage by 2 and round down. If the effect allows a saving throw, a successful roll indicates that he only takes 1/4 damage; divide the rolled damage by 4 and round down. (If the result is 1/2 point of damage or less, the character takes 1 point of damage.)

Overstimulated -not a good thing.

When I hear the term “Overstimulated” I think of being excited and super happy about something. Rip rearing to go. I have always thought this was the meaning. It’s actual meaning , I didn’t have a word for.

Throughout my life I have had days when everything was just too much. When I was a student, I would lock myself in my room and read. When I was a young adult I would lock myself in a room and code games. Now I mostly sit alone and write, or stare into space, if I cannot be alone.

Being overstimulated doesn’t always have an easy to identify cause. I used to, and still do, carry a lot of baggage around. I don’t like that expression, let’s try something else. I carry a lot of guilt, anger, self-loathing, envy, and self-doubt around.

Every time someone gives unsolicited criticism, I doubt myself, and everything I do. I over analyze everything, why would they say this? Am I always screwing up? where? How? Why? Why didn’t I notice this before? Every time I actually find myself making a mistake or not being able to keep pace with others in my field, I go through the same process. I wonder if I am even cut out for this work. Am I doing any good? am I causing more problems than I am finding solutions for?

I wish I could feel like others, and understand better, but I cannot. It takes me weeks or months sometimes to find ways to regulate these feelings, and if they come up all at once, I feel like I am falling and there is no ground in sight. It is frightening.

Today in my team meeting, I finally, after 2 and a half years with this team, finally started to feel like maybe, just maybe I was able to keep pace with the rest of the team. And then later another teacher tried giving me advice about a student I have been having particular difficulty with lately. Because HE IS OVERSTIMULATED LATELY TOO! The thing is, he undiagnosed, but has shut downs, and burns out easily. and as soon as she mentioned ways to help (That I have tried, and unable to keep going due to the other 5 special needs kids in my class) I felt like a failure, immediately again.

I know I am slower than others in my team. When I read, for example, I don’t see words, I see the story play out. And so for me to grade a child’s writing project requires between 3~5 re-reads because I have to remind myself to not feel the writing, but to just analyze the words. I know this, and I try to compensate for this. I know that When I get overstimulated in class, or I feel that they are in need, we shut things down and have a circle time to discuss emotions, feelings and ways to reset. this means I lose class time that is essential, but if I don’t do this, someone (possibly me) will have a break down.

This happened today. Tomorrow is our big Writing Project Party. Earlier this week was a big Writing Test. Friday was a 12 hour day almost all of it Rehearsals, and art information before the kids went on stage for a concert. One week earlier was our Science Fair. Anyways this goes on for over a month, every week is another big event. So they are burned out. Anyways today we had a short meeting about out feelings, and then I gave them a 5 minute mid-class break. Several of my students went into the class library and were trying to self-regulate. (Calm down through stimming) when they knocked over my large cabinet that hold all my teaching material.

I did not have a meltdown, and 5 students helped clean everything up. but at the end of the day I just sat in my rocking chair (my safe place at work) and cried. I couldn’t do anything for a good 20 minutes. I needed to just rock and hug my stuffies. (Yes I have a rocking chair and stuffed animals in my class. the kids are generally good about it) This sort of shut down is more dangerous and difficult to manage than a meltdown at least for me. Because then I feel guilty for not being able to manage these things.

I wish I could take tomorrow off, but i have that Writing Party I mentioned earlier. The kids need it, and then we can reset and start a new unit. This unit we are finishing is particularly hard for me as it is persuasive writing. I always feel overwhelmed with it because I have to teach how to convince people to agree with the children in their writing. I have a hard enough time understanding most people, yet alone figuring out how to make people agree with me….

Next unit will be better. Fairy Tales.


These small, evil humanoids would be merely pests, if not for their great numbers.
Goblins have flat faces, broad noses, pointed ears, wide mouths and small, sharp fangs. Their foreheads slope back, and their eyes are usually dull and glazed. They always walk upright, but their arms hang down almost to their knees. Their skin colors range from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red. Usually a single tribe has members all of about the same color skin. Their eyes vary from bright red to a gleaming lemon yellow. They wear clothing of dark leather, tending toward dull soiled-looking colors.
Goblin speech is harsh, and pitched higher than that of humans. In addition to their own language, some goblins can speak in the kobold, orc, and hobgoblin tongues.

~ Monster Compendium, 1989

Goblins are a humanoid race, small (31/2‘ to 41/2‘ tall) and very ugly by human standards. They have pointed ears and misshapen teeth. Their skin is a pale earthy color, such as chalky tan or livid gray. Their eyes are red, and glow when there is little light.
~ Rules Cyclopedia, 1991

Goblins are one of the oldest races in the Dungeons and Dragons game, and have become a staple in fantasy of all types. They have always been something for the players to run into and slaughter, and then something happened in 1988. Bruce Heard brought them to life in his Gazetteer “The Orcs of Thar”. Now suddenly goblins were an option for creative players.

Since that day players and NPCs have begun to show goblins as something more than ugly short creatures to kill. Below I present the Goblins of Mystara.

High Gobliny

High Gobliny is a nation in the Broken Lands of the Known World in Mystara. as you can guess by it’s name, High Gobliny is mostly a goblin nation, but a few bugbears and hobgoblins live there. High Gobliny is a monarchy, ruled by Queen Yazar, an iron-fisted ruler of the Wolf-Rider clan. Her consort, the wily King Doth rules beside her, but he does not have the strength of conviction she does.

Upper & Lower Gobliny

Like all of the nations in the Broken Lands, High Gobliny is broken into 2 sections, the High, which is on the surface, and the Lower, which is underground.

Upper Gobliny has a nilly north, but these hills become mountains as you move south. Central Gobliny is a Petrified forest, which is held as sacred, and only the goblin shamans may enter it. Near the south is Fort Akrass, the entrance to Lower Gobliny.

Lower Gobliny lies 1250 feet under Upper Gobliny. The river Bugbur separates High Goblinly from Bugburia. The only other border is to the north, where a passage connect Gobliny to Hobgobland. This pass has been wisely blocked off with a gate, and defensive camp, Pootz Camp, by Queen Yazar. Lower Gobliny has giant mushrooms to farm, and giant slugs to hunt for food. Giant Slug Eggs are a delecacy normally eaten by chieftains.

Faith: High Goblinians view themselves as related to the immortal Wogar, patron of predators in the brokenland. It is said that Wogar brought the goblins to the Borken lands to live.

High Goblinians are wolf riders, and raise their wolves as family. While still a Welp, each goblin must find and raise a dire wolf cub that was born the same moon as them. They are responsible for their wolf. If their wolf dies in battle, the goblin must eat his wolf-friend’s heart to gain it’s strength in a ceremony held at the temple. If their wolf dies of neglect, the goblin is an outcast, and a pariah.

Tlachtli: The High Gobliny Wolf Riders are the local team, and have brought victory to High Gobliny on many occasions. Players include:

  • Oth Gobsmacked
  • Razara Smallbit
  • Namby Tamby
  • Rotfoot Deadflower
  • Rugna Stunkit
  • Vrek Yuface
  • Ziku Aweigh
  • Rirk Tiberius
Player Character Goblins: (BECMI / Old School)

Ability Score Adjustments: Goblins receive, a -3 to Strength, but a +1 to Dexterity and Constitution. No Score can go below 3, or above 18, any that do after adjustments, will be adjusted to either 3, or 18 respectively.

Natural Armor: Goblins begin with a natural AC of 8 due to Tough hides.

Infravision: Goblins gain infravision up to 90 feet range in the dark.

Size: Goblins start at 4 feet tall, add 1d4 inches to your goblin.

Subraces: Goblin Subraces only affect their appearance, nothing else.
Grey: Grey Goblins are mostly found in Western Darokin, and the Sind Desert. They have dirty grey skin with short brown hair. Grey Goblins often wear studded leather, or chain mail headwear and heavy hobnobbed boots.
Yellow: Yellow Goblins have a yellowish skin color. They have a bluish-black hair color often long and ties in the back. they often wear rags dyed in bright orange and large hats and cloaks. Yellow Goblins are often found in the regions of Ethengar.
Polar Goblins: Polar Goblins often live in the northern regions near the poles. They have snow white skin and grey, braided hair. They often wear furs and sealskin clothing.
Gobliny Goblins: These Goblins have a slight tan to their skin, often they have tattoos over their body indicating their tribe. They wear rabbit fur, or the skins of other small animals. These are the most common Goblins, and can be found in most lands.

TitleLevelXPHit Dice
TribesmanNormal Monster01d8-1
Raider33,200(No new HP)
Devastator755,000(No new HP)
* +160,000XP for every level afterwards.
** +2hp for every level afterwards, no Constitution modifier.

Shamans / Wicca

Goblins may be Shamans or Wiccas

Player Character Goblins: (5E)

Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength Score decreases by 2, but your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age: A Goblin reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of his or her
second century.
Alignment: Goblins are often Chaotic in alignment.
Size. You are Small.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.
Nimble Escape: You can take the disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your Turns


Grey Goblins: Grey Goblins are mostly found in Western Darokin, and the Sind Desert. They have dirty grey skin with short brown hair. Grey Goblins often wear studded leather, or chain mail headwear and heavy hobnobbed boots.
Pack Tactics: Grey Goblins have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the kobold’s allies is within 5 feet of the target, and their ally is not incapacitated.

Polar Goblins: Polar Goblins often live in the northern regions near the poles. They have snow white skin and grey, braided hair. They often wear furs and sealskin clothing.
Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against cold, and you have resistance against cold damage.

Gobliny Goblins: These Goblins have a slight tan to their skin, often they have tattoos over their body indicating their tribe. They wear rabbit fur, or the skins of other small animals. These are the most common Goblins, and can be found in most lands.
Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.

Yellow Goblins: Yellow Goblins have a yellowish skin color. They have a bluish-black hair color often long and ties in the back. they often wear rags dyed in bright orange and large hats and cloaks. Yellow Goblins are often found in the regions of Ethengar.
Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.