Fyrmont, 1,000 AC

Fyrmont 9th 1,000 AC – Ack Ack Day
Today in celebration of the battle against the dragons, We took some of my wife’s “Bang-Tossers” out into the field and set them off. These little bags of powder explode into bright colors and loud noises when wet. We did this near the forest-line, to show the creatures there we were not afraid.

Some of the villagers came up to see what the all the commotion was. We explained that today was the day of a great battle my wife’s people had won, and that we were celebrating by scaring the local monsters away. They were happy to join, in. I think it was the first time in a long time I saw anyone smile in town. Luckily Adriana had made hundreds of these things, with a little help from Amber and I, of course. Most of the town got involved in tossing water on these little balls and watching them shoot into the sky with blues and purple colors, only to explode with dazzling noise and brighter colors.

Fyrmont 10th 1,000 AC
There was another “eclipse” as Adriana calls them. They sky went dark in the middle of the day. And everyone hid their children indoors for fear the orcs would come and take them.

Fyrmont 15th 1,000 AC – Ixion’s Day
With the success of Ack-Ack Day just a week ago, the villagers were more comfortable setting up Adventure Day. They went about their day with the children running gleefully around looking for their treasures and tokens. That however all came to a stop when someone realized that Skelly, Amber’s older brother had gone missing.

Immediately all parents scooped up their little ones, and a search began. We searched the area carefully. The whole town had to be turned upside down before anyone would entertain the idea that the animal disappearances had just been escalated. after about 3 hours of searching the entire town, he was found, alive and well.

Skelly wouldnot tell the adults where he was, but Amber came to let us know he had been out to find the giant wolves, or even the Tiger that the wizard is supposed to have prowling in the woods nearby. She didn’t know if he was successful or not.

Felmont 26th 1,000 AC
A large number of the farms’ horses went missing as everyone was guarding the other animals. The farmers are baffled, and angry. They have had enough, and I fear that their anger may outweigh their sense.

Fireworks from: http://getdrawings.com/images/fireworks-drawing-6.jpg

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