Diary of Julius Valarian (Flaurmont 1,000 AC)

Flaurmont 1st 1,000 AC
Today was Vlademar Vlem’s Day of Adulthood Ceremony. It was nice to see that some things are the same even between Cultures.

Flaurmont 22nd 1000 AC
For the Thyatian Emperor’s Birthday I went hunting and we had venison for dinner. Tomorrow I plan to sell the rest of the meat to the Bountiful Tappe for their infamous stews. I will not mention why I was hunting, as the Thyatian Emperor is not popular with the Traladarans, and I don’t wish to ruin any friendships I have made.

Flaurmont 26th 1,000 AC
Last night we had a red shooting star shower. My wife felt that it was a bad omen. The Czelb farm was nearly emptied of their animals during the shower. I have a few more Rumors for my collection today.

  • There is a dreadful labyrinth below the tower, where fearsome beasts and man-eating plants devour any unfortunate wretches Thaddigren Dentiata catches.
  • Thaddigren Dentiata’s life was once saved by a gnome from Highforge; because of that, he will never harm any gnome.

Pictures Credits:
Thyatis Banner is from: http://pandius.com/sctralhd.html Art by Átila Pires dos Santos

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