Vatermont 1,000 AC

Vatermont 14th 1,000 AC
Today we started the long work of repairing roads and trails damaged by the winter. I have begun to collect the rumors I hear about our neighbor, the Wizard. And will share some of the more interesting ones, here:

  • Dentiata has a big tiger that eats people!
  • If you’re bad, Dentiata will get you!
  • Skelly, the stableboy, went there all alone! He could beat that mean old Dentiata if he wanted!
  • Dentiata is a powerful, evil wizard.

Vatermont 27th 1,000 AC
Casimir Zbons has been telling the town of several occasions when a mysterious unrelenting sleep came over him. When he awoke, more animals were missing. Of course, when more livestock went missing today, that was his reasoning. Still more rumors have been spread about this:

  • Dentiata is from the Black Eagle Barony, and is sending the animals there for slaughter.
  • Weird lights can be seen dancing on the tower roof every night of the full moon. (I have not seen them, but others claim they have)
  • Dentiata is actually a werewolf and roams the forest as a great gray wolf every night with a full moon.

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