Diary of Julius Valarian – Kaldmont (New Year Disappearances)

Just a few Notes:
I noticed last night that I had made a mistake, according to the original Source, Julius was originally called “Claudius Valarian”, but my mind keeps calling him Julius, so I am keeping the name. (Hey, it’s my game)

In this series of entries, we hear a lot about the “Black Eagle Barony” but what is that?
While Stephan Karameikos, is the ruler of the Grand Dutchy, when he first arrived he invited family and friends to come help him rule the country by granting land to them. His Cousin Ludwig Von Hendriks was one of these.

Duke Karameikos has since come to regret letting his cousin have land, as the first think Von Hendriks did is violently invade his new capital city BEFORE informing the locals that he had been granted it. He currently rules the Barony with an iron fist, often selling his citizens off as slaves, despite slavery being illegal in the rest of the Grand Duchy. He spends a lot of time trying to cause pain and chaos across Karameikos, in an effort to dethrone his cousin, so he can claim the entire country himself.

The Karameikan Calendar goes something like this:
1) Nuwmont 2) Vatermont 3) Thaumont
4) Flaurmont 5) Yarthmont 6) Klarmont
7) Felmont 8) Fyrmont 9) Ambyrmont
10) Sviftmont 11) Eirmont 12) Kaldmont

Kaldmont 1st 999 AC
The weather is much colder lately, Mikal says that we should prepare for snow any day now.

Kaldmont 27th 999 AC
We have had 3 days of Shooting stars, and then more animals went missing. I got a visit from Headman Grigore today. I think this is the first time he has come to visit. His visit was not very pleasant. He was warning us that we should be sure to stay indoors after sunset for the week around the new moon each month. The rest of town was scared that children would be targeted soon. Apparently, Boris Czigany had lost half his livestock, and only 2 of his sheep had been found in pieces in the woods not far from here.

Katrina, Grigore’s Grand-daughter in law, suspected that the new neighbor Dentiata, was actually a werewolf, and was responsible.

I started my old sword training again tonight. I am getting the feeling I may have to fight sometime to keep my wife safe.

Black Eagle Barony Herladry from “Gazateer 1: The Grand Dutchy of Karameikos”, Published in 1987 by TSR. (Book By Aaron Allston),
Artist: Stephan Fabian

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