Eirmont 999 AC

Eirmont 1st 999 AC – Taxes, Again
Tax Collectors came today, we had managed to earn a bit of profit this year, and so were able to pay those taxes without dipping into the savings.

Eirmont 8th 999 AC – Crafts & Guild Day

Adriana was feeling a bit homesick today. Today is a special day in Serriane, called “Crafts & Guild Day”, the way she tried to explain it, it sounded like the Kagyar’s Market we had a couple of months ago. She of course tried to emphasize the differences, such as it is more of a thingy-making showcase. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do to help her, except to have her try to explain to me all of her new tools and devices she has been working on.

Eirmont 14th 999 AC – Forgiveness Day
Today is Forgiveness Day. A day when you try to make right any wrong-doings you have committed over the year. The idea is that if you ask forgiveness and try to right the wrong on today, you MUST be forgiven. I wonder if this includes wrong doings my people committed to Traladara. I figure I better not push my luck. Instead, I went into town and offered my help with repairing Bram Radescu’s fence that was damaged last night.

Eirmont 24th 999 AC – Charity Day
Today is Charity Day. A name that would cause quite the stir in Thyatis. Most people are too proud to accept charity, on this or any day, there. Vladimir Vlem, and a few others took the opportunity to reinforce old Runa’s House, so that it would hold back the upcoming Winter Winds. I hope it holds.

Eirmont 27th 999
All of Bram Radescu’s livestock went missing last night. This morning, his fence that we repaired was knocked down, his barn was found open, and all of the livestock missing. They were led somewhere because all of the animals went the same direction together, and left quite the trail into the forest. Mikail said that they only found their horses, all 4 of them torn apart by some beasts. Around the same place, all of the other animal’s trails were lost.

Picture Credits:
Coins from “Gazateer 1: The Grand Dutchy of Karameikos”, Published in 1987 by TSR. (Book By Aaron Allston), Artist: Stephan Fabian
Clockwork Owl (Bubo, from the Clash of the Titans Movie), (https://clash-of-the-titans.fandom.com/wiki/File:Bubo_prop.jpg)

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