Diary of Julius Valarian (Ambyrmont / Anniversary)

Some notes for everyone still:
Ambyrmont is the first montn of Autumn.
Julius Valarian was a soldier in Thyatis just across the border on the other side of Karameikos, when he met his wife, who had crashed her cloud-clipper (Areoplane). Details of how they fell in love, married, and moved to this side of the country may be explained in later episodes.
The actual adventure starts in Ambyrmont 1,000AC (About a year from this point), but there are things that happen in town as background information before our team of heroes arrives.

Ambyrmont 1st 999, Aniversary Day, Freedom Day, Autumn

Autumn has finally begun, it was a beautiful clear day. At mid-morning, Adriana had prepared a picnic for the two of us, and so we went out just to the tree-line and had a picnic for our 3rd anniversary. This was her gift to me. While we were sitting there enjoying the meal, and talking she pulled this small toy from her bag, she called it her “Model” it looked like a small version of her old Cloud clipper. She wanted to start building one again.

I honestly wasn’t sure what to think at first, but she explained that she wanted to build herself a clipper again, and then the excess food and vegetables we grow on our farm, we could sell on Serraine when it passed over Karameikos in the fall. She had a plan figured out all before talking to me about it, because she knew exactly what questions I would have. in the end I told her I agree, but I have my reservations. but here are my thoughts right now:

  • She deserves to be able to return to her homeland when she needs to. Surface life is so different, and I want her to be able to have the best of both worlds.
  • Serraine does need food imported. A city of that size imports most of its food.
  • We would have to turn part of our field into a take-off-lane or running-way, I think she called it, for her clipper.
  • Honestly, I want to see this wondrous city she comes from.

My gift to My wife this anniversary was a nice dinner at the Bountiful Tapope tavern. It wasn’t as well planned as her plans for the future, but I am still very happy.

Ambyrmont 2nd 999 AC, Freedom Days (Day 2)
Today is Freedom Day in My beloved’s Flying city. She was telling me about all of the festivities and parades and games and activities they do on the 1st and 2nd of the month. Freedom Days are the first days of the cities original flight into the sky in AC 39. 960 years ago. It must have been majestic.

Ambyrmont 3rd 999AC, Kagyar’s Market.
Today is Kagyar’s Market, originally a dwarven event here in Karameikos, but now a nation-wide celebration of craftsmen. The town has set up stalls for the local craftsmen to show off their abilities, discuss techniques and of course sell things. Mikail and Anya Tappe set up a stall outside the Tavern with refreshments and snacks for everyone. but other stalls included:

  • Dieter Mavrov set up a blacksmithing and metal working stall to show off some truly fantastic metal art he has made. But most of the wares he prepared for sale were farming tools and implements, he also included a couple of swords just to show that he could make them as well.
  • Odolf Czelb has been secretly preparing wines and ales, where he makes it, is anyone’s guess, and we all pretty sure he will keep most of it for himself. But a few bottles of ales are for sale.
  • Burr Silecz has a pottery stall where he has some excellent vases, and dinnerware for sale, as well as showcasing some clay figurines that are supposed to represent the immortals.
  • Milka Reh has a stall showcasing some tapestries, but most of her wares for sale are blankets and woven clothing.
  • Young Valdamar Vlem has a stall showing some excellent wooden toys he has built for the children.
  • And last but not least interesting is Adiana’s Stal showcasing some of her spring-work contraptions. Including her “Spring-work, Wind-up-Trusty- Timepiece” a confusing device that shows the time of the day using moving arms, and a little sun and moon. Her booth has not attracted the attention of the other adults who don’t understand her work, but the younger ones are intrigued.

Ambyrmont 17th 999

We had more of those “shooting stars” last night.

Ambyrmont 21st 999

I hadn’t thought about the orcs in a while, but today I wandered down that way and noticed the Tower being built. Orcs don’t use towers, and the tower seemed to be erected pretty fast for only a month’s work. I wonder who will move in, and what this will mean for the village.

I tried to hail one of the orcs, but he just grunted at me and continued to work. I don’t know if this means he doesn’t speak Thyatian, or if he just didn’t care for my presence. Either way the orcs have made progress on their tower. and have stayed away from the town for now.

Ambyrmont 24th 999, AC (Apprentice Day)
Today I got a very unexpected guest. While I was in the field, and Adriana was out gathering herbs in the forest, I was surprised when I turned around and found Runa, the old Wisewoman standing there. She asked very bluntly where my wife was, to which I explained she was out and would return shortly. The old woman was determined to stay and wait. So, I took her to the house. I brewed up 2 cups of my wife’s amazing drink. A concoction made by pouring Hot water through the ground beans of a Kough-ee plant. She grows this plant just outside the house herself.

At first Runa declined this “Foreign drink” but after while of waiting she reluctantly tried it. Since she seemed to have little interest in talking to me, or letting me know why she was suddenly interested in my wife, I took the chance to explain about myself and how I had immigrated to Karameikos from Thyatis. I wanted her to be aware that I chose to come here because I fell in love with the country, and did not want to be associated with the more oppressive Karameikos-born-Thyatians she may have met in the past. I told her how Adriana and I were trying our best to learn the Traladaran ways, and that we found it so interesting and wonderful.

This of course did not seem to impress the old lady.

When Adriana arrived about an hour (According to our Spring-work Wind-up Trust Timekeeper on the wall.) the ladies talked, and I just took a back-seat, making a 3rd cup of Kough-ee, and listening.

Apparently today is a day called Apprentice Day, I had never heard of it. anyways it was a day for specialists to choose an apprentice, to train in their craft for the future. According to Runa, the orphan girl that lived with her, Amber, had begged her to come and ask permission to study Hedge-magery under Adriana.

Hedge-Magery is the specialization of magic use that is beneficial to agriculture and small towns. Brewing Cures for various diseases, casting spells to increase crop output, and things like that. Adriana, had been looking into this as well, since she was a formally trained Wizard, she had just been experimenting to find good magic to help me with the farm.

In the end, the ladies came to an agreement. Runa would continue to train the little girl in the skills she knew, apparently having had some training in the school of magic, but never completed, when she was young. and Adriana would train her the other half of the week. In return, the two ladies agreed to help teach each other as well. Adriana wanted to learn more about the local herbalism, thus her frequent trips into the forest, and Runa was interested in completing her own Magical training.

Ambyrmont 28th 999

The sky turned dusty yellow today; it was the strangest thing. Nothing seemed to be affected by it, but it spooked the local animals, and farmers. I felt it was best for us to stay indoors in case there was something in the air. Amber has been at our house all day sitting and listening to Adriana. She has been learning how to read for the past 3 days. I guess she never got to learn that before.

Picture Credits:
The Wedding rings from Clipartix (https://clipartix.com/wedding-ring-clipart-6-image-20326/) Run through a sketch filter in Power Point.
The Flying City from Photbucket (https://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee65/Bluebomber4evr/serraine.jpg)
The Market: is the Hämeenlinna Medieval Market in wikimedia.org (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:H%C3%A4meenlinna_Medieval_Market_-_walking_sticks_I6288_C.JPG) again run through a sketch filter in Power Point.

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