
Diary of Julius Valarian (Klarmont 1,000 AC)

This article Leads us up to exactly 1 year after Julius and Adriana Valarian moved to Sisak. Next Article the Actual Adventure Starts

Klarmont 1st 1,000 AC
Today was the Traladaran “Day of the Straw Men” A celebration where people write their sins, or things that they regret from the last year on a piece of parchment, wrap it in the middle of a doll made of straw, and set it ablaze to start fresh.

Adriana, convinced me to join the ceremony. I felt silly, but I did join.

Klarmont 17th 1,000 AC
Our purple star returned last night. I named it Adrianastar after my beloved.

Klarmont 27th 1,000 AC
Alvis was caught sleeping on the job. Half the swine went missing. He swears that he was hexed or cursed. One pig carcass was found nearby.

Klarmont 28th 1,000 AC
Tonight was the Night of Fire Celebration. Everyone was more on alert than normal during this festival. I was even asked to guard the children during their Annual treasure hunt.

Let me explain this obscure tradition. During the day, the adults take “treasures” and hide them in the nearby forest. These treasures traditionally were actual riches, but in this village, they are Silver Crona, in trees or under bushes, and other obscure locations. There is also one “Hoard” which was a chest of sweet treats and toys. The children need to hunt around to find these things during the night. Traditionally the village would hide things in the nearby forest to promote the adventurous spirit of youth, this year nobody was leaving the village due to the missing animals, and the fear they feel. As I said, they were so scared, that Boris asked me stand guard with a few of the men to keep the children safe in the village during the festivities. I did this in hopes of being accepted more.

Pictures Credits:
The Children Picture is from:
I chose this one specifically because you cannot see the children’s faces.

Diary of Julius Valarian (Flaurmont 1,000 AC)

Flaurmont 1st 1,000 AC
Today was Vlademar Vlem’s Day of Adulthood Ceremony. It was nice to see that some things are the same even between Cultures.

Flaurmont 22nd 1000 AC
For the Thyatian Emperor’s Birthday I went hunting and we had venison for dinner. Tomorrow I plan to sell the rest of the meat to the Bountiful Tappe for their infamous stews. I will not mention why I was hunting, as the Thyatian Emperor is not popular with the Traladarans, and I don’t wish to ruin any friendships I have made.

Flaurmont 26th 1,000 AC
Last night we had a red shooting star shower. My wife felt that it was a bad omen. The Czelb farm was nearly emptied of their animals during the shower. I have a few more Rumors for my collection today.

  • There is a dreadful labyrinth below the tower, where fearsome beasts and man-eating plants devour any unfortunate wretches Thaddigren Dentiata catches.
  • Thaddigren Dentiata’s life was once saved by a gnome from Highforge; because of that, he will never harm any gnome.

Pictures Credits:
Thyatis Banner is from: Art by Átila Pires dos Santos

Diary of Julius Valarian: Thaumont 1,000 AC

Thaumont 15th 1,000 AC
The “Shooting Star” show last night was particularly lovely. I couldn’t help but tell Adriana that I feel we are blessed as we are not livestock farmers. More Rumors abound:

  • Thaddigren Dentiata sometimes entertains strange visitors from afar and often hires messengers to take packages to distant corners of the world.
  • A pack of enormous wolves guards the tower of Thaddigren Dentiata, but they won’t attack anyone who tosses them meat.

Thaumont 26th 1,000 AC
We had another “eclipse” yesterday. That is what Adriana is calling them. She read in one of the books she picked up from the local city that when the sky goes black during the middle of the day it is called an “Eclipse.” My wife is the smartest person I know. During the eclipse, the Rogoz farm animals went missing. Since it was during the day, he had not locked them up for the night yet.

Thaumont 28th 1,000 AC
The Gnomish Carivan passed through town on its yearly route. It passes though Sisak on the way to Radlebb Keep. From there they return to Highforge. Every Day of the Dead the Carivan comes through. The locals use this time to clean out their houses, remove anything that they no longer need, or want.

If the objects are in good condition, they try to sell them to the gnomish caravan, who sometimes, will take them back to Highforge and sell them. If they are not, then they burn them in a big fire in the center of the town. Everyone sits around the fire and drinks and eats in memory of those who have passed this last year.

Picture Credits

Wolves from “Basic Set: Dungeon Master’s Guide”, Published in 1983 by TSR (Book by Frank Mentzer)
Artist: Larry Elmore