Campaign Update

Yarthmont 1001 (?) Chao everywhere!

Yarthmont 2nd 1001 (?) – Ashira’s Book

  I have been following the Hags for the last 3 weeks. I have prevented them from hurting anyone in the town of Carsus. While there I was allowed to do some research on the name of the demon, I overheard weeks ago. Krampus.
  Krampus was once a fairy, who member of the Unseelie court. He seems to feed on the souls of mischievious children. Children that do bad things. This feeding has shaped him into a demon, and he was banished from the feywild by the court of Claus.
  The hags have made some sort of deal with him, for power. My guess is they get to eat the good children if they give up the bad ones to him.
  The thought of them eating children is stomach turning. I have gathered a small team from the town here to help me attack and drive the Hags out of this area. Tonight, we will strike.
  I will keep you updated sister, pray for my success.

Yarthmont 5th 1001 (?) De’Ath’s Book.

  Well, I have new food in the larder. Poor Fred is still eating that Ham that regenerates. He has divided up the kitchen so that his food is nowhere near mine. Such sensitive stomachs these humans.
  Anyways. This morning, we had an incursion from the gate again. Kobolds this time. A small tribe of the little dogmen bypassed all the traps we had set up and got into the wine cellar. I found them all passed out except for 1 guard who was heavily drunk. Little guys can hold their alcohol. Especially from a literal bottomless keg.
  Fred and I went down and tossed them out. We took payment from their pouches first. I killed the drunk guard and added him to the larder, the rest we threw out the front door.
  I was then informed that there is another enchantment that we failed to know about. Apparently, anyone added to the “Blacklist” will not be able to enter the door of the Inn. This blacklist is a black notebook Fred keeps in his bedroom. He copied the names of the Kobolds down from the bill, and now they won’t be able to enter.
  Why hasn’t he told us about this list before? I would have put a few things on there. He claims that it doesn’t affect those who enter by the gate, which is a shame, can you imagine? Your team enters through the gate, but you get stuck and pushed back through…. Hilarious! I will have to research was for that to work.

Yarthmont 22nd 1001 (?) – De’Ath

  The Team returned. Their Hijinx will be added below based upon my understanding of this chaos.
  Fang has a sister / stepsister / cousin. She seems nice, but Orc families are confusing, and I am not a genealogist.
  Ko’Ar got to confront his brother in Tuma, and learned that he is a royalty, of a Kingdom on the 2nd moon, Myoshima. Elizabeth “Stabbycat”, was sent to dispose of one of them, but for some reason has found the dynamic amusing and is waiting for the right time.
  There is a device that was in the university of Tuma, again a place I want to visit, and get ahold of their historical documents… Sorry. The device is supposed to cancel out magic.
  For some reason they had disguised the elves as orcs, and when they cleaned themselves up, Ivory, Fang’s “sister” (For simplicity’s sake we’ll go with sister) vomited up after seeing the old elf-man.
  I have had the pleasure of showing Ivory my research, she is a scholar as well. And she understands these infernal oard windows-machines. She informed me that system is “Live” and that the Oard were listening though it, so she shut it down. However, she learned of two possible medallion pieces through the system, one in a castle shaped like a skull, and the other in a land where crystals are important, and a Major Demon of Time controls the world.
  The team read the note from Julius, it had one word written on it: “Greyskull”

Yarthmont 24th 1001 (?) De’Ath

  Yesterday Zipaz found my description of the library in Serraine tempting and asked me to send him there. I look forward to watching his misadventures. Zeph followed to keep him out of trouble, but still, they have no idea what they are in for.
  I never told them about Gnomish Bureaucracy, and so I look forward to Zip’s torment.
  They entered the Gnomish Flying city through the library basement. I watched as Zipaz spent 8 hours filling out forms to receive a library card, and then realized he didn’t have any money to pay for it. Ahh joy. All this time, Zeph sat quietly, reading at a table nearby.
  While Zip was busy doing paperwork, This Ivory and I began discussing history. She is also a scholar of the ancient. She claims to be more of an Archeologist, which means she prefers field work, but has not been given much opportunity for it. I guess that’s why she was happy to come here. I am much more of a book person.
  Since the mirror in the common room has no sound, I can only guess what he said, but Zip was forcibly thrown out of the library. One of the locals, who tour guide for a price took him to one of the local science museums, where one of the curators reluctantly bought a spyglass from him, paying him with a cheque. Zipaz was led to the bank by his guide and converted the check into gold coins, and gems. He then gave the Tour guide 1 coin, which insulted the guide and he left. Zipaz then wandered around to find a Minerologist to appraise the gemstones for him. I guess he doesn’t trust a bank. Don’t they have banks where he comes from?
  It was night before Zeph and Zip finally managed to return to the library, and since he had done the paperwork before it only took him 6 hours to do it this time, to get his library card. I must admit, I fell asleep through parts of this, like the paperwork, I think Zeph did too.

  In an attempt to get to know his new sister, Fang has invited Ivory out on a hunting trip to get some different meets in the Inn for Everyone. Maxfield and Pan Thanar jumped on this opportunity to go outside as well, much to Fang’s dismay.
  Once outside they saw the 6 different Camps of humanoids encircling the Inn. The only open area was a small forest in the east that appeared shortly after Fulric left.
  Everyone headed for the forest while Fred and I hold the fort, again.

Yarthmont 24th 1001 (?) De’Ath from a later Account

  Chaos, lovely chaos. This team seems to be drenched in primordial chaos. It’s so amusing, I could write a comedy about these guys, but I guess only Nagpa would find it funny….
  They lost Ivory, found Galladyn, the original elf from the team, and had visions from the immortals!
  So, my notes on how this happened I am making from the rambling and yelling:

  Galladyn was in the Feywild for a while, and some other fey bear has been following everyone spying on them. And nobody noticed that he had not turned back to elf in a very long time. Ahh such good friends are these who don’t pay attention to each other…
  Fey bear seems to have taken something from Ivory, the device Ko’ar was looking for. Oh yes, Ko’ar’s back with yummy sandwiches. I will see about sneaking one from him later.
  Anyways, Fang’s Crystal ball showed them the bear and a blond woman at Dentiata’s tower, which is nowhere near here.
  Then they were attacked by a giant plant monster, when Ivory disappeared. Oh, and Fang’s Crystal ball seems to be out of juice now, as it is showing nothing. I could use it as a paper weight, though….
  Once they got back to the porch of the Inn, our cleric and Paladin started receiving messages from the Immortal Khoronus asking them to gather the armies of the remaining races to battle the Oard.
  Oh yes, Zeph and Zip are back, he had borrowed copies of “The Book of Gygax the GreyHawk”, “Leomund’s Hedgemage Tome”, “Ancient Blackmoorian Writings Deciphered”, “The Beastman Language in Plain Thyatian”, & “Myoshian for the Common Man”, they also had sausages on a bun.
  I have a lot of things to “borrow” from the team, sandwiches, sausages, and books…. I am sitting here writing this while they argue about what to do next. If they take too long, I will cast Scribe and copy as many of these books Zip brought back for my own personal library.

Yarthmont 26th 1001 (?) De’Ath

  Did I mention Chaos follows these people like a pet dog? No? well… The diabolus, Aklair, returned today. He has been missing for a long time, but apparently was just plucked out of time from 2 months ago and dropped back in our laps today. He thinks it has to do with his nightmare dimension magic interacting with the local magic creating what he calls “Wild Magic”. I don’t know, this is the first I have ever heard of “Wild Magic” and will have to investigate it more.
  I need more books on the history of Diabolus in our world. I remember notes I made as a younger nagpa in school, but not much.
  Diabolus, are humans from a place called the nightmare dimension, where their people have goat horns, goat feet, and barbed tails. There passing into our dimension was extremely rare if I remember correctly, and I do remember something about Nightmare magic… bah I cannot remember… it’s been over a hundred years since I read that book.

  The team is still debating what to do, their concerns are:
  1) Ivory, Fangs’ sister, was missing and she has never been out of Tuma before this trip, so may be in danger.
  2) The wand is needed to save Tuma, and possibly Ko’ar. But also, it could wreak havoc by cancelling out the power of the gate under the Comeback Inn.
  3) The Immortals had asked the team to assemble the remaining armies of the worlds, and they would need to prepare this for a war against the Oard in the future.
  4) Julius and Adriana had been missing at “GreySkull” for an awfully long time.
  5) they still needed to collect the remaining 4 amulet pieces to activate the gate to return in time to set things right.
  As a temporary solution, Ko’ar suggested they returned to the Ark and recruit Kiera & Gnubnaver. He trusts them and figures they can take his brother Ro’ar to rescue the Wand from the Keep of Night. If Ivory is there, then they would logically save her too.
  Ahh I am keeping my beak shut on this, Asking the brother that betrayed you in your childhood, to go and save your best friend’s sister, even with the other two, is a pile of mistakes waiting to collapse on you….
  Somehow Ko’ar convinced Fang to trust them to the task as the rest of the team travel through the Myoshiman mirror.
  My Prediction: Kat-burglar (hah I love it!) gets caught and sacrificed like his brother was supposed to, Gnub and Kiera leave him after getting the wand and rescuing Ivory. And the blond woman gains more demon power from the sacrifice, just like Dentiata tried to do with Ko’ar. But I’m not saying it out loud, I am waiting to see….

Flaurmont, 1001 (?)

Flaurmont 3rd 1001 (?) Julius

  It has been difficult lately to keep everything under watch. Fulric, Adriana, and De’ath have been watching the Window Rooms, while I keep myself busy watching the gate in the basement. I really hope that Skyratchet brain helps Adriana find ways to deactivate some of the windows, so we can be less spread out like this.
  It has been less than a week since Ko’ar’s Team left, and while Fredigar has reported no arrival yet from the common room mirror, we have had 2 attempted incursions into the Inn.
  We have been trying to be cautious, as some of our visitors in the past have been peaceful or friendly, but others have not been. Two days ago, there was a small team of crow people. Adriana had been in the room with the window, trying to tinker with it. When the trio of black featheres bird men entered.
  At first, they were confused and attacked my wife. By time I got there, Fulric had cast some sort of spell, and the birdmen were frozen in place, only able to look and talk. They called themselves “Tengu” and had been defending their home from a new batch of Rakasta warriors when they fell through the hole in an ancient temple they had been herded into.
  They assumed we had something to do with this and reacted accordingly. We sent them back to their world.
  Tonight, however was a very different interaction. Tonight, Fulric’s window opened, and a man in orange metallic armor exited with a floating kobold in a red robe and red pointed hat. They were peaceful and had come through in search for a friend.
  Fulric summoned me upstairs, and we all sat in the common room. Fredigar replaced me downstairs. So, I went to join them. This Duncan was the head of defense for a city called “Eternial” somewhere I have never heard of. After some discussion I was able to discern that they were not from our world, but from a world nearby. Fulric told me “Plant 4” or was it “Planit 4”. I don’t know, but it made no sense to me for that part.
  Duncan and his flying friend “Aurico” had come through a stone doorway in a mountainside that used to be an ancient temple. But the temple no longer stood there. They came in search for their friend Herman, no, was it He-min. Anyways this was a great hero that had always kept their city and nation safe but had disappeared.
  Duncan had been looking for him for a while now, with no luck. Two weeks ago, Duncan’s spy had been witnessing to a gathering of Evil. An infamous villain on their world, “Skellataur” had been greeting beings leaving a large disk-shaped metal gate. Seen exiting were an unusually large Orc, a Jester of Ice, a green skinned man that was half-metal, a rakasta silver samurai, and a long-haired wizard with a metallic hand and a metallic neck.
  Their spy had barely made it back with this information before he died of some curse laid on him by Skelletaur. Almost immediately after armies of creatures never seen on Eternia before began to attack the city. Duncan was hoping to find his Hero friend to help lead the counterattack, as his magic sword made him near invulnerable.
  Plan B for them was to build a gnomish shield around the city. I did not understand the details, and so asked for Fulric to take Adriana’s watch so she could come translate the mechano-babble.
  I listened for the next hour, and though I knew the words, I had no idea what was being said between the two. In the end Adriana had agreed to go with them to help them finish the device, as she understood what Duncan was saying, where few did. I was not willing to let her go alone, so we are going to this world, “Greyskull”

Flaurmont 9th 1001 (?) Ashira

  This journal communication is an amazing spell. First, I wish you and Julis the best of Luck in Greyskull, I may be heading there soon.
  Oh, in case the journal doesn’t state this, it’s Ashira.
  I have been tracking an Annis Hag. She is an 8-foot-tall mass of graying muscle and hair. She often hides herself as an old woman, calling herself “Granny Ally.” This Hag has been moving with her coven of hags (is that the right term, I don’t know) from place to place using rune magics. They carve ancient runes on Boulders or rocks and then enter them. Anyways these hags have been traveling around and taking children.
  I first became aware of them, when I was training. I was studying in the woods, near the Tabi tribe. I returned to Sisak when I finished my studies with a Tabi-monk and was about to move on to an Elven Monk on the other side of the town. But when I returned…

  Sweety, the village was gone.
  Your farmhouse, and those of everyone, burnt to the ground. There were the bodies of every adult there. Bram had tried to rally the men, but whatever had attacked, did not give them any mercy. I wept, The Tappes, the Cziganys, Old Runa, they were all there, laying dead. Probably less than a week before I arrived.

After spending a day burying everyone, I came to realize that none of the children were present. Amber, Jakos, Maria, and the rest had been dragged off, and so was Kyl. He must have followed them, and so then must I.
  I… I am sorry, I cannot write more tonight. I hope to give more later, but I just cannot now.

Flaurmont 11th 1001 (?) Ashira

  I have found the correct Rune Granny Ally used. I need to find her before she strikes again. From what I can gather she still has a coven of 4 hags with her after my last meeting with them.
  I know you need to know, but I hate to relive this. It’s hard to write through tears. Granny Ally and her Hags ate the children of Sisak. They ate Kyl. I was not able to find them in time. I found their bones and tattered clothing and belongings at an abandoned site just 3 days away from Sisak, through the forest, past the basilisk cave. I guess the basilisk had been keeping the Hags at bay, and when we had slain it, the hags crept farther south.
  I found their coven, and in a rage I ran into their encampment, and beat two of the lesser green hags to death with my hands. I was certain that the rest of the coven would have cursed me or something. I was certain I would die, but I didn’t care. I just couldn’t stop seeing the faces of all those kind people from Sisak. When I finally collapsed, I screamed in anger, and a blast of light emerged from my body blinding the Hags and they retreated into the mountain side.
  I passed out, expecting not to awaken. And when I did, I cursed them.
  Their leader had carved a rune onto the side of the mountain, and now I had no way to know where they were. For some reason though, When I traced the rune with my fingers, it glowed, and I fell through the rock face.
  I spent the next 6 months of my time chasing these Hags down, and each time I would have something similar, I would catch one outside it’s coven trying to lure children in, and I would beat it to a pulp, but the hags kept getting harder to kill. And they began making deals with creatures I didn’t understand.
  The Hags are now down to 3 in their coven, but I have discovered that they have struck a deal with a demon of some sort. And they have headed off to a world known as “Greyskull,” If I survive the next encounter, I may need your assistance.
  Your sister of Sisak,

Flaurmont 17th  1001 (?) Fulric

  I write this into the copy of the Journal held in the Comeback Inn, for future reference.
  I have been feeling my connection to the Fey Wild disappearing. If I stay on the mortal realm, I may never see my people again. I am thus, sadly, saying goodbye to everyone here.
  I have placed an Illusionary Script spell on this page so that my message will not be discovered until after I have left to do what I must.
  Whatever chaos is happening in the world’s time; it is starting to affect the Connection between the planes. I fear Entropy may be winning the war of the spheres unless we find a way to stop it. I have sent work to Oberon, my King, and he will arrange a portal for me at the edge of the strange forest nearby at midnight tonight.

Flaurmont 22nd 1001 (?) De’ath

  Fang and his team of nitwits have finally appeared through the gate in Tuma. As they arrived, the new kitten was snatched from the back of the party, by what looks like a thinner Ko’ar with a hooded cloak. After they snarl at each other, he disappeared back into the shadows leaving her confused.
  I watched, as the townfolk faded back into existence around the team. I watched as Max, the big hairy brute, the Elf-girl, and the old wizard wandered into a restaurant as the people faded back into existence. The people of this town seem to be goblinoids, but not of a breed I have seen. I will check my notes later. Some are Orcs though.
  Once the people became solid, they noticed the team in the restaurant and panicked. Ha! I can imagine having a trio suddenly appear in a Nagpa restaurant, the commotion that would happen… makes my beak twitch in humor.
  Fang joined them in the evacuated restaurant and began applying a disguise on the two elves. I guess they were the cause of the stir, not the big bearded one.
  We watched as Fang was lead by something tiny through the town with his friends now disguised as Orcs. To be fair, they made good orcs, except the wizard still flirted with everything he met, and the warrior still walked like a paladin, but this didn’t seem to bother the town as much as their ears had before.
  Fang was led to a house where he met an older orc who looked just like him. Bah I wish I could hear conversations; Fang looks really awkward here, and I wish I could hear him panic-stutter.
  I have been asked to keep notes on everything, so here is the cliff notes:
  ~ Old Fang took everyone to a building in the center of the city.
  ~ Big Cat Ko’ar was locked in a cell, then they let him go.

Ahh right the fun bit!
  The team somehow convinced old-man Fang to let them exhume Bella’s Body, and Boom! The Body sat up and started attacking them!
  Metal Zombies! I must get that device; it would make gardening so much more efficient than my wand was.
  The wizard cast a spell, I can only guess which, but I can see that the brown cat’s ears are bleeding heavily, so he either gave her brain damage or blew up her ears, or both (That might be fun.) Some people need to learn subtly with their magic. Never attack a potential asset. And if you do, make sure to finish the job!
  Fang pulled out his baby harp. (I know it’s a Lyre, but its funnier to think of it as a baby harp, let me have my fun!) and strummed a bit, I can imagine the horrid sound that came with it, but an immense bolt of lightning shot down from the skies hitting the metal body. Again, his friends were right there, he could have fried them too. Stupid Orc-man! Mind you, it would have been hilarious if the metal armor of the warrior woman had attracted even a fraction of that bolt….. just saying.
  Anyways, the team began to recover and the old wizard jumped INTO THE GRAVE! Fun man, everyone evacuates and he jumps in…. bah, now he’s wasting good meat with some sort of acid.
  After all that, they seem upset that something is missing, so… they kept up with the acid, and poured the liquid body into potion flasks! I can only wait until one of them mistakes those flasks for a healing potion…. Ahhh I wish I can see it when it happens.
  So, the team are sent back across town to a school of some sort. where they tried to break into the school, get arrested by guards and dragged back to the central building.
  It just feels like back and forth today…. I need a snack.

Flaurmont 22nd 1001 (?) De’ath from later.

  I have found it! My old school master’s copy of a history of Tuma. I never did read this thing, but now that I have some finger food, I figured I should look through it.
  Skimming it I can see there was some sort of history between the Oard and the Tumans. They left their world for ours using a portal through the Plane of Earth.
  After living for a long time here, they somehow pissed off the elves and that lead to a curse.
  Hmm… really… Imagine that. Alien orcs somehow piss off people on their world and then ours… surprise, surprise, surprise….

Vatermont, 1001 (?) – Ashira & The Book

Vatermont 3rd 1001 (?)

Adriana has been spending a lot of time with the books again. She has been testing out ways to use her magics with the machine things we have been finding. I don’t know how well this will work.
It’s been about 2 weeks Since the Badgerman Attack and we have not had an attack since. This does not feel well, and I have been inspecting our defenses. As mentioned any defenses I set up at the entrance to the Inn or the Stables stay. Any defenses I set up inside, near the gate, are disabled around midnight by the Inn enchantments. So one of us has to be on guard there at night.

Vatermont 10th 1001 (?)

The gate downstairs opened as I was inspecting the traps and defenses. The visitor was a surprise to us all, as the familiar blond haired lady came tumbling through. Ashira, the ex-slave of Dentiata, upon seeing me, ran behind me for protection, as mechanical monsters emerged from the gate.
My blade could not harm them. Every time I slashed at them, the blade bounced harmlessly off. Luckily the elven armor I wore from my adventures for the Tabi, kept me safe from harm, as I tried desperately to defend myself and Ashira. The commotion drew the attention of my wife who came running down the stairs. Luckily her magic was effective in keeping these creatures at bay.
Between my magic shield and armor, and her blasts of fire, we pushed the creatures back through the gateway and they did not return. It was at this point that Ashira passed out from exhaustion or hunger, it is hard to say which in her condition.

Vatermont 12th 1001 (?)

Ashira has finally woken up, and we have gotten food into her. Decent Food. The sight of De’ath was a bit too much for her and we had to coax her out from a closet after first sight.
How can you explain that this vulture-man we work with, is a relatively good person? Poor Ashira has been through so much.

Vatermont 12th 1001 (?) Adriana

It takes a woman’s touch again. I say next to the closet door, talking with the poor girl for 3 hours. I told her what has happened with our team, what has happened with the world, and how we are working to fix it.
She began to open up to me after a good cry.
After we had seen her last, in Radlebb Keep. She had returned to Sisak. She stayed at the bountiful Tappe with the ladies for a while, but her memories haunted her. She waited for us to return, and her nightmares kept returning. She waited for Ko’ar and I to return to help her.  She kept repeating this over and over. But we never returned.
After Months of this, Kyl, the Tabi returned to her. He could sense her distress. She and Kyl braved entering Dentiata’s tower one last time.
At this she broke out crying again. Something had happened to the Tabi, and she couldn’t bear to say what.
The only way I could coax her out of the closet was by promising that De’ath would remain in his room while she ate.
After a lot of complaints, and an offering of some manuals from my cloud-clipper, I convinced De’ath to stay in his room. He was pleased to be the first non-gnome to know the secrets of the clippers. (He will be surprised when he realizes it’s a historical document, not an engineering one.)

Vatermont 15th 1001 (?) De’ath

If I keep my hood up, I am ALLOWED to wander the Inn. My visage reminds the Human girl of something horrible that happened.
I am left to wonder if Other Nagpa were involved, but Of course conversation is not a possibility.
Today is the Feast of Petra for her, and the 2 girls have decided to spend the day together outside in the sun. It looks like they are trying to fix the Sign of the Inn, and some of the outside shutters that have begun to fall off. Something about this day being of repairs.
The silly Gnome girl thinks she tricked me with her historical books on Clippers, but I am finding the subject quite interesting, especially the battles with the Top Balista Academy. I will never admit out loud, but Once upon a time I would have like to been in that academy.
Bah What am I thinking, Nagpa flying those death-traps?!?

Vatermont 20th 1001 (?) Julius

Our guest has decided that she needs to move on. There is apparently things that she needs to do, but she won’t elaborate. Our Inn has begun to be used as a stopping point for others in their quests to fix the world. Adriana and I have prepared some food for her.
De’ath has discovered an Ancient Spell tucked away in one of his books. He cast it on Four books, including this one. The spell linked the four books, and now our Journal is connected somehow has a communications method. According to the old bird, when we write in our book, the writing will now appear in each of the other books, and the reverse is the same.
If Ashira writes in her book, we will see it in our books back here. This way we will be able to assist each other if needed.
Ashira was so thankful for this she gave the old bird a hug, which completely threw him off. De’Ath didn’t know what to do. Now, whatever Ashira has to face, she knows, she is not alone. I wish we could have arranged for one of these to be sent with Fang & Ko’ar. Maybe when they return.
At this we gave her big hugs, and she opened the gate with a spell.
According to her, the spell will only connect the gate to where she came from. Which means those mechanical demons. I nearly coughed when she told me she would be ok. But she had to return to help her friends, and promised to keep us updated with her new book.

Morse’ Book Binding

6th level Evocation (Ritual)
Casting Time: 1 hour per book.
Range: Touch
Components: VSM (The Books to be enchanted, + Golden Ink (200Gp per book)
Duration: Permanent

This spell connects 2 or more books. When something is written, edited, or drawn in one book, it appears in all others books. Often this is used for writing collaboration between authors., or communication between cargo companies and a ship’s captain.
The Reverse of this Spell. Morse’ Book Unbinding. can be cast to remove the connection of one book from the union. Only the book being disconnected needs to be present for this. Often this is cast after author’s have finished their book, or a Cargo Company decommissions a ship.

Thadigren’s Gate Control

5th level Transmutation
Casting Time: 2 Actions
Range: 10 feet
Components: VS
Duration: Concentration (Up to 10 minutes)

This is a very specialized spell. It only works on the time-gate located in the Comeback Inn, or it’s gate networked portals. It allows the caster to open the gate to a place or time that they know has a gate, and that they know the locations of and time of. Some locations or times may be locked due to complications and require a magic attack to open. (DC 20~35 depending on the lock)